
Debated Decisions #2 Life Of A Secret Blogger

Everyone starts their journey into blogging with different intentions, for some it's a little corner of the Internet where they can share their interests, for others blogging is a career choice. For me blogging is my creative outlet something I can work/build on, I wanted a little corner of the Internet a space to share my thoughts, write up content and get snap happy. At the time I didn't consider telling friends, family or colleagues, but does anyone when setting up a blog? In all honesty it never crossed my mind so, as the months rolled on my life as a secret blogger began...

Snapping product/selfie pictures daily, having a skin care stash that's over flooded the bathroom, and becoming completely unsociable every Wednesday and Sunday evening it was only a matter of time before someone caught on. So when my Mum asked about my increased time behind my laptop (yes my parents are nosey like that) I decided to show her my blog. I felt embarrassed about sharing my blog with friends, family and colleagues. But one day I asked myself the question, why? Why am I blogging in secret? Am I afraid how people will react? Possibly the latter, to someone who's not into beauty could my blog be portrayed as vain? Self centred? Shallow?

My Mum was actually…impressed and even questioned if I'd written the posts myself (yes mum it's all me!) Not the reaction I expected in the slightest my mum was super supportive. As the months passed and my twitter obsession grew it was only sooner or later before friends and colleagues found out about my blog. It still came as a surprise though when I was munching on my sandwich in the staff kitchen to hear 'Hey I heard you blog…' I felt mortified, embarrassed, and just wanted the floor to swallow me up. But after a short tumbleweed moment I replied, played it cool and said 'Why yes, I do have a blog.' And it suddenly dawned on me why should I feel embarrassed/ashamed, my blog is something I should be proud of it's my little space on the world wide web where I can write content, that hopefully someone somewhere might enjoy or even find helpful or useful in some way. I put a lot of time into my blog weekly, on pictures, writing so why shouldn't I share it with friends or colleagues?

So now my whole office knows, my life of a secret blogger has come to an end. And you know what I'm happy. No one laughed, no one called me vain and I've even gained a few new readers in the process. I do however feel like people see me differently, it's quite easy to get roped into the world of beauty blogging but I'm just a normal average girl. People make the assumption that as I write about beauty/skincare I'm some sort of expert in that field. I've been asked about reoccurring rashes, the perfect concealers, anti ageing skincare, I did find myself reminding people that I really am no expert I just write about things I like/discover.

In all honesty telling friends and family about my blog was one of the best things I've done (in terms of blogging) it's made me a little more confident and I feel like I have lots of support from friends and family. I'm able to share my blog more openly with people now as my invites slowly increase for events in my local area I'm glad that I now feel confident enough to direct people to my blog, and promote my blog a little more. We all spend so much time writing content, snapping pictures and getting the editing just right so why are we so afraid to share?

If you're a blogger have you told friends and family? If not, why?


  1. Another great post, I love reading your blog Rinica. My fiancé knows I have a blog but I haven't shown him the URL and apart from that I don't think anyone else knows. I don't really know why I haven't told people, I think it's because perhaps I'm worried they will think I'm vain? Like you say though, it shouldn't be something to be embarrassed by at all.


    1. Thanks for the comment Rosie, your comments always make me smile I like having the 'Rosie' seal of approval on posts like this haha as I'm never usually sure if there written a bit poop! Really? Aww I felt the same way I guess for someone who's not into the blogging scene it could be perceived as a little vain, it's a tricky one… x

  2. Thank you for this post rinica! similar with rosie, I'm not entirely sure why I've not told people, only my boyfriend knows at the moment. I think it's just being worried that they'll just laugh and think it's pathetic or something:/ But to be honest if they did,they aren't your friends right? x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

    1. Thanks for the comment, and aww I'm really glad you enjoyed the post :D. When I tweeted about this in the past I was surprised by how many people (like me) hadn't told people about their blogs. Couldn't have said it better myself if they're a true friend surely they'd be supportive of a hobby :) x

  3. Oh my goodness! I am shocked! I shout about my blog from the rooftops! I am so passionate about what I write about I can't help tell everyone I meet, Asda checkout ladies, hairdressers, beautician, friends, family, etc!! I quite a confident person anyway so maybe that coupled with my 'natural beauty' obsession are the perfect storm for me to become that annoying person who won't shut up! lol!
    I can't imagine keeping my blog secret, although there are some people I try not to discuss it too much with - some are a bit dismissive of it so rather than bore and annoy them I just keep quiet (at great personal pain haha).
    Rach xx

    1. Thanks for comment Rach I'm loving reading the different comments on this it's nice to hear someones confident enough and proud to mention their blog (plus you have a great blog!) I think it's a good thing so much handwork goes into it why not share!? Haha. I'm getting better at sharing…baby steps…haha x

  4. I think if I wasn't at school I would be telling everybody but at the age of 15 are they really going to understand what I do? They probably will take the piss a little bit and I know I shouldn't be worried but I am. Well done for letting it out the bag though!xx

    1. Thanks for the comment, Oh I can totally understand where you're coming from, if schools still anything like it was when I was there people can be super immature, it's a shame though as you have such a great blog too! Thanks although it's still baby steps haha I'm not the best at self promotion! x

  5. This is such a great post. It's nice to see that someone else was in "hiding". I'm glad that you've got the secret off of your chest!
    I would say that my blog is semi-secret. I don't announce to all that I'm a blogger, and my Instagram/Personal Twitter does not have a link to my blog because of the people following me that I know in person. A couple of my close friends know, although they aren't blog-reader-type people, so it's more as if they don't know. My Mom does know but does not read it often. I would say my boyfriend is the most supportive person for my blog. I think everyone needs just ONE person at least that is supportive.

    Much Love,
    -Stephanie Eva

    1. Thanks for the comment Stephanie, haha yes, I do feel a little better about promoting my blog it's still a little tricky at times though. Oh I see I guess that's a good idea though at least you're not spamming them all (like me) with blog links, aww I couldn't have said it better myself I think as long as you have that one person you're fine :) x

  6. I know what you mean! I definitely did the same when I first started but everyone has been super supportive :) x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thanks for the comment, yeah I guess it's just one of those things as your blog grows…maybe you get better at promoting it I'm hoping anyway haha I'm still terribly shy about the blog x

  7. Interesting post. I don't share my blog with my friends or family—not because it's a secret (they all know I *have* a blog), but because I don't want what I do on the internet to require interaction in my everyday life. Can you imagine if my mother read my blog and was like "WHY DID YOU BUY THAT LIPSTICK, YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T HAVE ANY MONEY!" or "DON'T MAKE YOUR BOYFRIEND TEST YOUR SKINCARE!" Hah!

    1. Thanks for the comment, I totally understand your reasons for not sharing the URL I never really thought about it that way haha. Yeah that would be funny, I'm so broke then your mum see's your recent 'haul post' haha. It's tricky for me too as my family/friends aren't really into beauty stuff too x

  8. Great post!
    I tell my family and friends everything and they
    We're so supportive when I told them all
    My friend even made my header
    Rachel XX

    1. Thanks for the comment, really?? See it even pays off to tell friends, I don't really know why I thought they'd react differently I guess it's the fear of the unknown :) …off to check out your blog/header ;) x

  9. What a wonderful post and one I can relate too. Thanks for sharing! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

    1. Thanks for the comment Helen, really god you enjoyed :D I didn't realise so many people felt the same way haha x

  10. Some family know and it's dead embarassing! But I'm glad they know now- imagine having to tell them!x

    Beauty Soup | UK Beauty Blog

    1. Thanks for comment, yeah it's hard especially for someone like me who's not so good at blowing their own trumpet haha x


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