
Finding Fitness - My January Fitness Goals

So, it's reached that time of year where everyone starts to reflect on the year ahead and writes down some unrealistic New Year resolutions that will most likely be forgotten about by the end of January. I personally prefer to set myself small goals throughout the year, it's more achievable and also allows you to reflect and review mid year, rather than looking back at the end of the year and thinking dam...I achieved bugger all! Most of my goals always seem to be geared towards fitness, and although I do have a few personal goals (e.g. mainly finances & saving) I thought I'd share them with you today, as I know the majority of people do tend to focus on fitness/health. I'm starting the year in pretty good health, 2015 was a great year in terms of achieving some of my fitness goals, although I did find that due to illness my exercise routine became none existent towards the end of the year. I'm ready to give myself a kick up the butt, and get my immune system back in gear, here are my goals -

My running pattern seems to be a bit sporadic lately, mainly down to my lack of wanting to step out of my footsie blanket and go outside! For Christmas I received quite a lot of running related gifts, so I really don't have any excuses now. Last year I found my stamina and technique improved when I completed a few training plans, so on the 4th of January i'll be starting the Bupa 10k training plan. I'm hoping to sign up for few races this year, so hopefully this will prepare me. I've also joined the Running Bug #runyourselfnew challenge - Running Bug send through a weekly mile goal (it's tailored to you using the data you upload.) If you enjoy running or are a complete beginner definitely check out The Running Bug website it's the hub for anyone who enjoys running - that website has everything! 

I love the Blogilates 30 day challenges I find that they are easy to follow, doesn't require a ridiculous amount of time to complete and I notice results too! I usually love the Blogilates branding/cute names for challenges, but I'm not so keen on this one. I definitely don't think the look a waist trainer gives is one to idolise over it's an unrealistic body image. But in terms of shredding some of my Christmas fuelled flab I'll definitely be giving this a go. 

The Yoga with Adriene challenge is the reason that I fell in love with Yoga last year, I loved completing the 30 day Yoga challenge so I'm excited to see that Adriene is back for another challenge in the form of Yoga camp. Yoga camp seems like it will be focusing more on your overall well being/ mental health as well as physical. 

  • 5:2 Food Balance 
I would love to say I improved with my diet in 2015 but unfortunately this is still an area I really need to work on. I'm not necessarily unhealthy with my meal choices, but portion control and a bad habit to skip the odd meal definitely affects my body. I've found that this way of eating helps me to maintain my weight but in return my immune system is low and my mood is definitely affected. I found that my diet worked a lot better when I had a 5:2 balance, five days of healthy food/ lots of meal planning and two days more relaxed with my eating habits. I'm hoping by the end of January I can be back on track with the concept, then hopefully I can focus more on educating myself, finding out what food my body needs to fuel my workouts. 

What are your goals for 2016? 

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