
Healthy Eating Goals - June

Although I've written about fitness quite a lot on my blog, you may have noticed healthy eating isn't something I have talked about much and here's why - I struggle. I have no shame in admitting that my will power is non existent when it comes to the food I'm putting in my body. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware how important diet is and if I want the toned, lean body I'm dreaming of I know that things will have to change drastically. Throughout June I want to look at the food I am eating and make small tweaks here and there. Today I thought I would share the changes I'll be making throughout June...

1. 5:2 Diet
5 days of healthy eating (no sweets or chocolate) two days of treats. In the past a 5:2 split has worked really well for me. My sugar cravings have eased up and I find myself with a lot more energy.

2. Eat every three hours
At the beginning of the year I was eating every three hours every day, after a few months of sticking at it religiously, I saw results, I felt less tired throughout the day and my body was looking a lot more toned. Throughout June I'll be eating three meals and three small healthy snacks daily.

3. Swap fizzy drinks for water
I drink 2 litres of water without fail, but on top of all that water I also drink a lot of coke. Fizzy drinks are my downfall. As I don't drink tea/coffee at work I rely on fizzy drinks for that energy boost. After recording my diet for a few weeks on the MyFitnessPal app sugar seems to be my downfall I think cutting out fizzy drinks should help me reduce my daily intake.

4. Healthier snacking
Crisps…god I love crisps. I'm so unhealthy when it comes to snacks. Throughout June I would like to start eating more fruit and veg. I went through a healthy phase of eating carrots, tomatoes and celery with homemade dips for work. This month I want to stop being lazy and bring back my homemade dips - maybe I'll even include some recipes on my blog?

5. Packed lunches
Eating out not only costs a small fortune per week, but I also find myself choosing the most unhealthy meals. Now that I have a new job that's closer to the city centre the temptation to head to McDonalds or KFC in my lunch break is difficult to resist. I want to meal plan my lunches, pasta, chicken wraps and salads are all on the menu throughout June.

What are your healthy eating goals? Do you have any healthy eating tips? What are your favourite healthy cookbooks?

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