In week 7 of #BritishBloggerselection we were asked to talk about our winter loves, I decided to look at this from a ‘Beauty’ perspective as I’m always intrigued to see and hear about what staple products people swear by when the weather gets cold- let’s face it we do need a little extra TLC when winter rolls around…
Body Shop Butters
Winter time sadly is the one season where all of my hard work buffing and scrubbing for those perfect summer pins seems to go downhill. This year I took a vow to up my game and continue buffing and slathering on the lotions throughout winter (usually my inner lazy girl takes over.) For the ‘slathering’ I have loved using my Body Shop butters, dry skin fixer in a tub. These can tend to be a little greasy but for skin that’s as dry as mine this really is needed. My two favourite ‘scents’ are coconut and Satsuma. Coconut reminds me of summer holidays, I constantly receive compliments after using this, so if coconut isn’t your thing I would stand clear as this is a strong lingering scent. Satsuma is fresh, fruity and never fails to wake me up when I’m facing a winter morning start. What are your favourite Body Shop scents and products?
For the buffing and scrubbing I have looked no further then ‘Pulp Friction’ in my opinion this is the dark horse of S&G products, sitting quietly only to swoop in and claim the top spot. We hear people rave about Breakfast scrub and sugar crush scrub (both of which I love) but when it comes to getting the job done quick Pulp friction is the way to go. Unlike other S&G scrubs this clings to the skin allowing you to really buff the product in (no clumpy bits down the drain here) this leaves skin soft, and hydrated-never sore or red. Unlike its competitors though smell does let this down a little. Not fruity, or fresh just meh I can’t even really describe the smell of this. This also works really well applied to a loafer then buffed into skin, as it’s super foamy too.
There are many detailed reviews for this oil knocking about on the web, so I won’t bore you to tears with another. But this hair oil really is worth the hype for thick, frizzy, dry or damaged hair (such as mine.) If your hair is on the thin/fine side I recommend using the Moroccan Oil Light, as this is designed for finer hair in mind (the original may be a tad too heavy for fine hair.) I love to apply this as a treatment on dry hair, I work this through the ends tie into a top knot and leave for a few hours before washing my hair. Applied like this it really conditions my ends and makes them look, healthy and shiny (it’s great for those split ends too-note to self-must book hair appointment.) I also like to use this on wet hair pre blow dry to speed up drying and to protect my hair. Often when winter time roles around everyone focuses on skin care and forgets that hair can really suffer this time of year too, using hair oils and treatments help to maintain hair condition (so when summer rolls around we can still have our shiny healthy hair!)
A new addition to my stash here. I have always used ‘Hand Food’ (since my ‘innocent’ school days to be all nostalgic) but when I popped into Boots and saw this new release I thought why not. This really is a dream to use I have a ‘Hand care’ post coming soon in which I mention this product so I won’t go into too much detail. True to its name this really is a hand dream, as soon as winter roles around my hands become so sore, and dry…this year this hasn’t been a problem. I can regularly apply this hand cream throughout the day as it’s virtually grease free, this soaks into skin so quickly and has really kept my hands hydrated through the cold spell we are currently experiencing. I only wish this came in miniature form…
Oh skin, am I the only one whose skin seems to freak out come winter time. Throughout summertime, my skincare line up is aimed at oily combination skin, come winter time my face oils, treatments and anything with an added touch of hydration are introduced ASAP. My skincare line up needs a total rejig come winter as my skin turns so dry. This year I incorporated the Antipodes Manuka Honey mask & Antipodes night cream into my skincare line up in hope that they would keep my skin hydrated and I have to say so far... Not a dry patch in sight *touches wood*. I have done full reviews on both of these products on my blog. But if like me your skin turns very dry and dehydrated in winter time, Antipodes is definitely worth checking out.
So there we have it, my ‘Winter loves’ the products that that will be ensuring I don’t shrivel up into a dried prune this winter, I’d love to know what your winter loves are?